74/b: Do you want a better life? Then visualise it first!

Imagine you go to a fancy restaurant with your friends and you anticipate a fine meal. The waiter approaches you and asks what would you like to eat. You have read the large menu in front of you and you start, 'Well, I certainly don't want any carbs. I also don't eat legumes. I don't like Indian food. I can't have nuts, I'm allergic....and I don't want to gain weight...' 

How can the waiter give you a fine meal if you can't even explain what you want? And yet many times this is exactly how we live life. We wish things were not so bad. We complain of everything that is not going well. But we have not quite figured out what it is that we want. Therefore our mind cannot create it.


Think about it: everything is created first as a thought, as energy, vibrations, molecules, electricity, and it becomes then stored as such in our brain. Only then we can start dreaming about it, making plans and strategies and eventually get close and closer to it.


As long as we keep thinking about what we don't want, or RAS cannot help us to focus on what we want.

And there is plenty of literature about this (Stephen Covey, 'Begin with the end in mind') and science, too!


Twenty years ago the University of Aberdeen conducted a peer reviewed study which showed that what we visualise can improve the quality of our health in terms of cancer healing. Multiple studies after that showed the same thing: we create everything in our mind first. You will hear stories of physical healing, depression recovery and even beating anxiety and panic attacks using the power of our mind.


Our life can improve when we start by focusing on what we want - and not on what we don't want!



#visualise #focus #success #improveyourlife #placeboeffect #studiesaboutvisualisation 

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