episode 172 Nina

In this audio and video interview with Dr. Nina Cunningham-Jefferson, a board certified clinical psychologist and certified master mindset coach in NLP, we will talk about:

  • What hinders high-flying professionals on the top of their career from being completely happy
  • How self-doubt creeps in and has a cascade effect on all our interactions with our team, our family members and even friends
  • Two true stories of successful executives who were losing sight of what matters and eventually shifted to a much healthier mindset
  • The exercises we can all do to ensure that we don't suffer from the same issues
  • Why it's vital to remain aligned with our soul purpose and passion to thrive...and much more!

Feel free to reach to us and ask any questions!

Dr Nina is here: https://linktr.ee/IamDrNina. (The link gives you free resources too!)

Franz is still at www.franzsidney.com and  Facebook.com/franzsidney

#freefromanxiety. #selfesteem #CEO #professional #burnout #youareenough #overcomeselfloathing #believeinyourself 

Check out this episode!


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