From victim to victor

Let's talk about men's mental health. Have you checked The Diary of a CEO's most recent podcast episode on Youtube? Steve Bartlett skillfully interviews rap star Busta and discusses the dreaded men's mental health issues topic that we all try to avoid. You will hear about how Busta's childhood, and his parents' divorce have deeply affected his emotional health; his desire to prove his father wrong, and how his environment had created all the triggers for self harm, self hate, addictions and lack of success. Yet at some point Busta recovered.

Why would I want to shift your attention to a podcast that has already millions of listeners? Because men are taught to keep quiet about their issues, button up, hide up problems, and even as victims of abuse, their own families tend to shove their issues under the carpet. That's why.


It's because men's mental health matters, too.

And because men are not culturally allowed to express their emotions as women do with tears, words, art, counselling and so on, many of them find alternative ways:

  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Abusing others
  • Addictions to porn and violent forms of entertainments
  • Gangs
  • Rebel life
  • Crime: Vandalism, robbery
  • Trafficking people
  • Just about anything that will dull the repressed anger and pain

What are some hidden symptoms of depression, other than self-loathing, self harm, lack of self confidence?

  • Looking super successful at work but being broken financially and emotionally
  • Playing macho but feeling like a failure
  • Not valuing ourselves and not charging enough for our services
  • Feeling unfullfilled despite a splendid career
  • Being unable to open up

In this episode I interview Immigration Attorney Hector Quiroga. Hector grew up in Columbia where a series of events, including abuse, created all the triggers above. Even after creating a dream career as an Attorney and Law professor, Hector continued to doubt his own capacities and keep all his emotional 'skeletons in the cupboard' locked in. This was partly because of the macho culture he grew up with. 

We will hear how Hector eventually overcame his emotional problems and created a truly gratifying life. Hector's fondest wish is to encourage others, especially men, to overcome their own emotional issues. The principles he shares in this audio and video podcast episode are available to you in his book, 'Prove them wrong'.  Prove Them Wrong: One Immigrant’s 10-Year Journey from Bankrupt to Millionaire is the inspirational story of an immigrant's pursuit of the American Dream – a trajectory fraught with unparalleled obstacles and exceptional triumphs. A story of embracing your path, believing in your potential, and living life to the fullest – no matter the odds.  In Spanish.

If you enjoyed this interview could you do us a massive favour and hit that like button on the Youtube video, and as for the podcast, please share, like, and write a review on Itunes so that more people can find out how to create the life they want through our inspirational messages. A big thank you!

#overcomedepression #menmentalhealth #abuserecovery #Hectorquiroga #


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