How to embrace menopause

Many symptoms of menopause may be mistaken for ageing, such as forgetting things, or feeling foggy. However, men of the same age do not display those symptoms. So are you ageing or just going through menopause? There is a big difference and a totally different mindset!

Menopause affects half of the population worldwide, and yet women's symptoms are often dismissed by medical professionals,friends and family. Bone and heart health, skin quality, where the fat is stored change almost overnight, just to name a few.

In this interview, hypnotherapist Claudia Wenning, a Holistic Health Consultant, shows us that this period of women's life may be embraced with a different mindset by taking care of ourself in a new, holistic way.

Learn how menopause manifest itselfs and how by introducing a kinder, gentle approach to this new phase of our life can shift our days into enriching and wonderful.


Book your free consultation with Claudia here:

#menopauseisnotadisease #embracewisdom



Check out this episode!


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