Decoding ARFID: Navigating Practical Solutions for a Healthier Tomorrow

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on ARFID, a challenge that often leaves parents perplexed when their little ones shy away from certain textures, colors, and tastes of food. In this episode, we sit down with Jackie Harding, a seasoned British hypnotherapist and psychotherapist who not only understands ARFID from a clinical perspective but also from personal experience—she was born with it.

With her wealth of experience in addressing emotional eating, Jackie shares valuable insights and practical strategies to navigate and conquer ARFID. Many children, especially those on the autism spectrum, grapple with this issue, making it crucial for parents to access supportive guidance without the burden of shame which often accompanies eating and sensory disorders.

This is a guide designed to empower parents to tackle ARFID with resilience and compassion, equipped with the tools to create a nourishing and positive path forward for your child.

Find Jackie and ask her any question here:

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Check out this episode!


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