Build up your teen ager with these tools

Is your teen's behaviour baffling you? Have "experts" thrown medication at the problem as the only solution? Before you reach for the prescription pad, hit play on this episode.

We're joined by veteran counsellor and hypnotherapist Rick Cardwell for a deep dive into the wild world of adolescence. We'll explore what's truly "normal" teenage behaviour (hint: it involves a lot of change and confusion) and when to seek professional help. Often, a listening ear and a deeper understanding are the real prescriptions for long-term success.

We'll also follow the inspiring story of a client whose "depression" and "anxiety" masked a deeper issue. By unraveling the tangled threads of her past, she found a path to self-discovery and healing.  This, Rick argues, is the key for many teens struggling today.

Listen in and discover:

  • Why medication might not be the answer
  • How to identify the root cause of emotional distress
  • Practical strategies for building self-confidence and healthy social connections
  • How to tackle the rise of mental health issues in a systematic, caring way (hint: it starts with YOU!)

Stop Googling quick fixes and unlock the power of real healing. Your teen (and your sanity) will thank you.

Ready to take back control and empower your teen? Let's chat! 

Contact us at


Wanna watch this on video? Here it is:

#TeenMentalHealth  #TeenageBehavior  #ParentingTeens #HealingFromTheInsideOut  #StopTheStigma #buildupcharacter #buildconfidence

Check out this episode!


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