Unstuck Yourself: From Past Hurts to Present Power

If you are feeling something blocking you from achieving from you want, a sense of never being good enough, not feeling loved, wanted, appreciated and you even block life from giving you good gifts, this episode is for you.

Helen Buchanan, an Advanced Conversational Hypnotist in Australia, will help us to understand the deep reasons why so many of us as adults can’t progress and seemingly get stuck into a series of frustrating and fulfilling relationships, careers, and experiences.

While you listen to the heartfelt experience of Helen’s childhood, feel free to use this time to ask yourself if maybe some of your issues are due to your own years as a youngster, feeling unwanted and unloved by important figures in your life.

With Helen we celebrate today a victory over the ranting negative committee that keeps telling us we are not good enough, so we can simply live in the present and be there for ourselves, and not just for others. 

In other words, your new life can begin now, because - guess what - you are in charge of it - not your past emotions!


And if you need some help detangling those emotions, helps is at hand with hypnosis, art therapy, NLP and coaching - just to name a few possible modalities to get better.


Feel free to get in touch and find Helen here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZwcSYGbl-sKTNfJnbK0O1w

And Franz here: https://substack.com/@franzsidney

Video link to see our smily faces: https://youtu.be/AP4D56uapco













Check out this episode!


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